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Great video guidance

Great video guidance


You can watch the video explaining the astrological houses on my Youtube channel:

Global analysis of the 12 areas of life (12 astrological houses):
house 1: I am - Personality, my appearance
house 2: I have - Value, possession
house 3: I say - Communication, discovery, study
house 4: I feel - Family, childhood, home
house 5: I like - Creativity, leisure, child
house 6: I serve - Activity, work, health
house 7: we are - Couple, union, association
house 8: I transform - Transformation, sexuality, money
house 9: I think - Travel, philosophy, beliefs
house 10: I aspire - Ambition, career, social position
house 11: I fraternize - Collective project, friendship, community
house 12: I rise - Assessment, spirituality, end of cycle

For each area I look at: the current state, the current challenge, the proposed advice and the outcome if you apply the advice.


  • Give me as LEAST information as possible so that I remain objective in the energies.
  • I publish the video on Youtube anonymously within 7 days so that your guidance can inspire other people. I will send you the link to the video by email.
  • I ask you the right questions to ask yourself so that you find the keys to getting out of the dark and understanding the source of the problem.
  • Don't hesitate to watch the video several times and after several weeks because you will perceive other messages once the reflection process begins.


As a reminder, I do not do clairvoyance in the future but guidance in the present. The tarot, oracles, the pendulum or any other tools can help us in this quest for meaning. Use of tarot cards and oracles among 25 games.


For any questions you can send me an email to


Good awakening!

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