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10 Lego personal development sheets with your children (PDF version)


This ebook is a set of sheets for doing family personal development workshops using Lego.

Here are the 10 workshop themes offered:

1. Build your identity
2. Self-confidence
3. Agree together
4. Finding your place in a family
5. Develop your empathy
6. Reflecting on an argument
7. Manage your emotions
8. What is an adult?
9. Mini ikigai
10. Self-image

This ebook (like all our ebooks) was tested by parents for several weeks in order to be improved before being offered to you.

Parents' feedback on their children:
- Enrichment of their vocabulary by mimicking each other,
- refinement of their description capacity,
- freedom of communication and respect for the words of others,
- more logical construction of thought and speech,
- more natural expression of their emotions.

“The children get along well and me too, it allows us to spend some time together and unlike board games, there is no winner or loser.” Sabine

“The exercises are very fun to do as a family. We had good times, it did us good. I play very little with my children so they really appreciated that I made time for them to do joint activities.” Melanie

At the very end of the workshop, you can make a video of the overall construction explained by the children (around 3 minutes)

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